Ninfield Neighbourhood Plan Journey
Ninfield Parish Council submitted an application for designation of the whole of the parish area to be designated for the purposes of neighbourhood planning. The application was approved by the Portfolio Holder for Planning and Development on 23rd January 2020.
Since then Ninfield Parish Council ha engaged the services of Action In Rural Sussex (AIRS) to help prepare the plan and we successfully applied for a grant to do this.
We now need your help, please come forward and share your views. We have some workshops coming up and it would be great if you could join us.
The next stage in developing our neighbourhood plan is to take part in the following theme sessions. Please register on the link provided in advance and then click on the at the seesion time.
Ninfield Neighbourhood Plan ZOOM Theme Sessions Oct-Nov 2020
Tues 20th October 7-8pm
Village Character & Heritage Assessment
Tues 27th October 7-8pm
Environment & Countryside
Thurs 29th October 7-8pm
Infrastructure & Economy
Wed 4th November 7-8pm
Transport & Travel
Wed18th November 7-8pm
Design & Development
Thurs 19th November - date TBC 7-8pm
Community Resilience & Cohesion
We have completed a Parish Wide Survey to gather your views.