Local Community
Ninfield Village a vibrant community with many clubs and societies to get involved in.
Directory of Groups & Clubs
The Men’s Shed meets on the last Thursday of the month in Sparke Pavilion at 10 am Contact Dave on 01424 892883.
The Book Exchange Café will be on Friday 1 July from 10 to 11.30 am, with the Community Café on other Fridays. Contact David on 01424 892248
The Health Walks meet at Sparke Pavilion at 11 am on the 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month. Contact Robin on 01424 892778.
The Darkside. next meeting on Tuesday 9th August at Sparke Pavilion. Contact Kaye Crittell on 01424 892883 for more details.
NINFIELD ACTION GROUP Paul Coleshill 893138
NINFIELD BONFIRE SOCIETY Sarah Seymour 07809684488
NINFIELD BOWLS CLUB: Secretary: Mrs Val Smith, Bexhill 843436
NINFIELD CARNIVAL & SPORTS ASSOCIATION: Samantha Guard, 893699 or 07970 650321
NINFIELD AND DISTRICT ART SOCIETY: Secretary Jennie Harmer 892357 jennieharmer@aol.co.uk
NINFIELD FLOWER GROUP Jennifer Collettt 892878 ninfieldflowers@gmail.com
NINFIELD HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY: Show Organiser: Kaye Crittell, Stepping Stones, Lower Street, 892883
NINFIELD LOCAL HISTORY GROUP Membership Sec. •Corinne Gibbons •892612 corinnemgibbons@gmail.com
NINFIELD MUDDY BOOTS & TODDLERS GROUP Natalie Osbourne 07920 558503
NINFIELD VILLAGE SOCIETY: Robin Goldsmith 892778
1st NINFIELD SCOUT GROUP Group Scout Leader: Glen Harrison gharrisonninfieldscountsgsl@gmail.com
Explorer Scout Leader: Ashly Simmons explorersemail8@gmail.com
Scout Leader: Elaine Gausden ninfieldscouts@gmail.com
Cub Scout leader: Tracey Harrison 07970 359724 ninfieldcubs@gmail.com
Beaver Scout Leader Sandra Creasey• 07908 558721 ninfieldkaa@googlemail.com
Group Chairman: Rosemary Cooper
NINFIELD WORKING MEN’S CLUB: Julia Hurrell 07508 080608
DANCE & DRAMA CLUB: Samantha Guard, 893699 or 07970 650321
THE PARISH NEWS Email ninfieldhooenews@gmail.com 893326 NINFIELD PARISH COUNCIL Clerk to the Council: Jackie Scarff 07725 843505 clerk@ninfieldpc.co.uk
MEMORIAL HALL Booking Secretary: EMAIL ninfieldmemorialhall@gmail.com
METHODIST CHURCH HALL Booking Secretary: Mr David Swales 892248
C of E PRIMARY SCHOOL Church Lane, Ninfield 892486
DOCTORS The Surgery, High Street, Ninfield 892569
NINFIELD STORES, Lower Street, Ninfield 892281
Head Start School Ninfield, Executive Headteacher: Scott Fasciolo-Barnes
Address Crouch Ln, Ninfield, Battle TN33 9EG phone 01424 893803