Neighbourhood Planning
Referendum (5 September 2024)
The Ninfield Neighbourhood Plan will go to referendum on the 5 September 2024.
The decision document can be found on the Wealden website using this link.
The referendum version of the neighbourhood plan and supporting documents, including an information statement and the specified documents, can be found on Wealden District Council’s website at the following link:
The Localism Act (2011) provides communities a more direct way to shape development in their local areas with the option of producing a Neighbourhood Development Plan.
The documents are also available for inspection at the following locations:
• Every Friday morning in the referendum period at the Community Café, Methodist Hall, Church Lane, Ninfield, East Sussex, TN33 9JW 9.30- 11.30am or by arrangement with the Parish Clerk or
• Wealden District Council offices, Vicarage Lane, Hailsham BN27 2AX Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 8.30am-5pm, Wednesday 9am - 5pm;
What is YOUR Neighbourhood Plan?
Its a document written by the local community who know and love the area to set out how they believe it should adapt and grow for the future. Its a powerful tool to ensure that the community has a say in what happens in the designated area (which for us is the whole Parish of Ninfield as shown on the map below) by putting in place a strategy and policies which have come from the wants of the community.
It captures the vision and aims of the residents for improving the area, providing new facilities and planning different types of development. Land in the village can be designated as green space, employment space or housing and is based on the needs identified by the residents.
When completed the Neighbourhood Plan puts in place planning policy to guide future development which is a statutory part of the planning authority (Wealden District Council) local plan.
A neighbourhood plan is subject to an independent examination and then a public referendum. At the referendum all electors in the parish have the opportunity to vote on accepting the plan or not. In order for it to come into force it must have more than 50% yes votes.