Parishioners are not normally named in minutes as attendees or in terms of representations made unless necessary for the performance of a council’s statutory duties, functions, and contracts. Doing so creates the potential for Data Protection issues and as parishioners are not formally part of a parish council meeting.
Minutes are normally a record of decisions made they are not normally a verbatim record of what individual Councillors have said. It is rarely necessary to record details of debate (examples of when it would be material to do so would be in evidencing that appropriate advice had been considered, or risks assessed in relation to decisions).
Decisions made in council meetings are immediate and do not need the minutes to be approved before they are enacted.
Minutes of the Annual Parish Council Meeting are approved at the next meeting of the parish council, NOT a year later at the next Annual Parish Council Meeting.
Minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting are not approved by a parish council, they are approved at the next Parish Meeting, which is usually an annual event, though can be more frequent if further Parish Meetings are called.
Council meetings do not need to approve minutes of committees or sub-committees, they simply receive them. The committee or sub-committee may approves its own minutes.
Please note all minutes are draft until they are ratified at the next council meeting, we aim to publish draft minutes within 30 days of the meeting.
If you require copies of older agendas & minutes please contact the clerk.
Mobile: 07725 843505
Write to: The Red House, Lower Street, Ninfield, TN33 9ED