Community Governance Review
Ninfield Parish Council
Wealden District Council have started a Community Governance Review at the request of the Parish Council following the results of the survey completed by residents in December 2020 and an encouraging response from the Boundary Commission.
Please fill in the questionnaire it is very short, here is the link
There is a page dedicated to the review on the Parish Council Website
Please contact the clerk if you have any questions. If the Parish Council doesn't know the answer we will ask Wealden, you will see on the website page that we have asked for details for social housing residents. We have aldo updated the Healthcare information following changes brought in by the Healthcare Act 2022 which became Law 1st July.
If you know anyone who cannot access the survey online please ask them to contact the clerk 07725 843515 and she can fill the survey in for you after asking a few details.
Contact Information
Jackie Scarff
- 07725 843505
Find Ninfield Parish Council
The Red House, Lower St, Ninfield, Battle, East Sussex, TN33 9ED
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