Have your say on Wealden's Corporate Plan 2023 - 20227
Ninfield Parish Council
are currently consulting on the Corporate Plan for 2023 to 2027. It will set out the direction, aims and priorities for Wealden for the next four years.
We want to know what’s important to you and what you think the Council’s priorities should be for the next four years.
To view further information and complete the survey please visit https://www.wealden.gov.uk/wealdens-policies-and-plans/corporate-plan/ BY 30th SEPTEMBER 2022.
They have created a short explanatory video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FQec0678vi8
If you would like further information please email pr@wealden.gov.uk
Contact Information
Jackie Scarff
- 07725 843505
Find Ninfield Parish Council
The Red House, Lower St, Ninfield, Battle, East Sussex, TN33 9ED
Additional Information