Ninfield Parish Council
Further to the previous news regarding works on Bexhill Road. Unfortunately I dont have a map. However when looking on the highways system which you can find here https://one.network/ it looks like it is a little way passed Crouch Lnae heading towards Bexhill.
I can also see that 28th Septemeber there will be works between The Doctors Surgery and Moorhall Lane - it indicates that the road will be closed and a diversion in place.
On the same day Hooe Common will also be closed just after the left turn on to Denbigh Road. The diversion to get to Ninifeld is via Wartling Road.
Please do keep an eye on the East Sussex mapping system as we do not always get notified of works.
Contact Information
Jackie Scarff
- 07725 843505
Find Ninfield Parish Council
The Red House, Lower St, Ninfield, Battle, East Sussex, TN33 9ED
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