The death of Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth ll
Ninfield Parish Council
It is with profound sadness that the councillors and clerk of Ninfield Parish Council learnt of the death of Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth ll.
For those of you who wish to lay flowers there is a dedicated area to do so at the Queen Elizabeth Gardens at the front of the recreation ground but please note that we have been advised that all flowers must be unwrapped.
We will be issuing some more information on how to access the village condolence book very shortly.
If you would like to sign the Buckingham Palace's book of condolence online please visit
Our heartfelt thoughts are with the Royal Family.
Cllr Kamala Williamson
Chairman Ninfield Parish Council
Contact Information
Jackie Scarff
- 07725 843505
Find Ninfield Parish Council
The Red House, Lower St, Ninfield, Battle, East Sussex, TN33 9ED
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