We Need Your Help
Ninfield Parish Council
We really need your help. After a lot of work over the last couple of years we have a draft Neighbourhood Plan.
Wealden District Council have no Local Plan in place and have paused their Plan preparation process while negotiations about housing numbers take place with central government. Even when the Local Plan is ready there is no guarantee it will pass examination. This further delay leaves Ninfield (and the rest of the district) vulnerable to many more speculative housing applications. The Ninfield Neighbourhood Plan is likely to be ready before the WDC Local Plan and the policies within it will guide where any new houses will be sited, what they will look like and the overall scale of development in the Parish.
However, we urgently need residents to take part in the Regulation 14 consultation and share their views on the policies. Without this support, the NDP will not carry weight. We realise there are a lot of documents and lots to read so we have attached a summary of the policies onthe website.
Please take part on line at ninfieldpc.co.uk on the Neighbourhood Planning page. The link to the consultation is here - https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/8NCKJLJ
Closing date is 4th November at noon. If you have any questions please contact the Jackie Scarff, Parish Clerk (07725 843505) or John Cheshire, Chair of the NDP Steering Group (07989 373336).
Contact Information
Jackie Scarff
- 07725 843505
Find Ninfield Parish Council
The Red House, Lower St, Ninfield, Battle, East Sussex, TN33 9ED
Additional Information